Thursday, August 26, 2010

Lord reveals Himself only to His devotees

After Krsna protects Pandavas and the embryo in the womb of Uttara, queen Kunti is puzzled. Lord was present outside in front of her and simultaneously He was present within the womb of Uttara. She was confused and could not ascertain if Lord is all pervading or localized.
Lord is all pervading as His paramatma feature and simultaneously possesses an eternal personal form of bliss and knowledge. He is the infallible original personality of Godhead. He is the supreme controller. He is present both within and without. Still He is invisible because He reserves the right to reveal Himself only to surrendered souls. Radhanath swami maharaj often quotes, "As you approach the Lord so He will reciprocate." A surrendered soul who sincerely renders transcendental loving devotional service unto Him under the guidance of His bonafide representative, Lord reveals Himself to such a devotee. Maharaj says, "Understanding comes by mercy not by our intellectual prowess." For others who are less intelligent or rebellious, Lord is like sun covered by cloud of maya, Lord's illusory potency.

Scriptures declare that Krsna is the Supreme personality of Godhead. Great saintly persons like Asita, Vyasa, Brahma, Narada describe Him as the Supreme. He Himself tells that no one is equal to greater than Him. Despite
so many evidences certain classes of people deride Him as an ordinary human being. This is due to poor fund of knowledge. Their stubborn obstinacy is due to their past and present misdeeds.

Some other section of people try to know the Absolute truth through empirical knowledge based on their sense perception. But through imperfect senses, perfect knowledge can not be grasped. Lord is described as adhokshaja, one who is beyond sense perception. Senses are material but Lord is all spiritual.

So only way Lord can be known is when He reveals Himself by His own causeless mercy just like sun can not be seen until he himself manifests. To attract the mercy of the Lord, Srimad Bhagavatam describes the path of Bhakti yoga. Lord is atmarama and possesses all six opulences in full. So He can not be impressed by dint of our insignificant display of wealth, austerity or knowledge. However, He is very always eager for the butter of Gopis. Similarly when we cultivate unalloyed love for Him, have a clear, butter-soft heart then Krsna would get attracted towards us. When our heart is cleansed of all anarthas, Krsna would forcibly come and reside there eternally.

Kunti has been described as chaste woman which means her dependence only on Lord is complete without a second. Pandavas themselves were very skilled and powerful kshatriyas. Nonetheless they knew no one to turn to other than Krsna. Therefore, Krsna always protected them. Such souls are under direct protection of internal potency of the Lord. Often when a person is endowed with fame, wealth, beauty or strength, he inevitably finds shelter and protection in these perishable things and forgets the Supreme Lord. Upon forgetting the Supreme father that soul gets lost in the viscious cycle of birth and death. Its the merciful nature of the Lord that He cuts the material attachment by taking away everything just like an expert surgeon takes out the tumour of the patient and reinstates him back into his original, natural condition. As long as we seek shelter in any material thing or other than Krsna, Krsna would not manifest Himself. Till Draupadi had faith in shelter of her husbands, grandfather, other elder members and her own strength, Krsn did not come to her rescue. But when she cried out to Him, calling out His names "Govinda" with no other hope, Krsna immediately came to protect her.

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